Sunday, May 18, 2008 

Unforgettable Television Sports Cars From The 1970's


In the seventies it seems that most shows were to an extent, known for the cars that the stars drove in them as well as the stars themselves. Some of the shows you will find listed here, the cars in the shows were even known to receive their own fan mail. The weekly hero of the action packed T.V. show was almost assuredly driving a fast and expensive sports car. Most people tend to think they used the same car in every episode but usually there was a whole team of identical cars that followed the stars through the series.

See how many of the following cars you can remember from the seventies:

1. Gran Torino on Starsky and Hutch.

This was everyones favorite Muscle Car it seemed, at least the most recognizable.

The paint job (red with that big, white stripe) and the style prompted Ford to add it to their line. Gran Torino enthusiasts still get together to show off their rides to this day!

2. Do you remember Dan Tanna and his 1957 Thunderbird from Vegas?

In this program Robert Urich played a cop in Las Vegas named Dan Tanna who just loved cruising around the strip in his T-Bird. It was a bright and shiny red and was actually two identical cars used that they switched back and forth when taping the show. The character started out with a corvette but ended up with his signature T-Bird instead

3. Who can forget that bumbling detective Columbo and his beat up, old Peugeot? Well it can be categorized as a sports car technically, but it sure didnt look like one or act like one. But Columbo and his Peugeot was a match made in heaven with their unkempt appearance. Some folks in Ohio ended up with the car after the show was cancelled but they revived it for the Columbo movie in the 80s.

4. The golden Firebird Espirit of Detective Rockford is another classic. James Garner played Detective Rockford and always seemed to be having financial troubles but he could always afford to drive around in his signature Firebird.

5. 1966 Oldsmobile Toronado from Mannix. Another one of those great detective shows. Joe Mannix was played by actor Mike Connors and it was a very customized vehicle indeed and one that most people remember. Mannix had secret compartments all over the Toronado and it was a little more high tech then many cars of its era. In later episodes Mannix had an array of cars at his disposal but the 1966 Toronado seem to make the most impact.

Each one of these cars is memorialized by film. If you asked anyone about the 70s famous cars undoubtedly they would mention one or more of these cars. Of course there were a lot of others but these five seem to be the most likely to come up in a conversation about the era. After all they certainly did seem to steal the show right out from under the human stars.

Jackson Porter is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including

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General Motors & Ford - Its The Cars Stupid part II


Weve already stated our belief that that 2007 will see Americans buying several hundred thousand less cars than they will purchase in 2006. We are looking for 16.8 million vehicle sales this year. Lets get into the numbers, and see what the implications are. When you, or I buy a car for our personal use, we pay on average about $25,000 per car. The car rental companies in the United States purchase more cars than any other group. They buy American cars, and pay an average of $15,000 per car. We dont see any big profits from this market segment.

Lets look at the dealerships, and sort out how the Japanese do against the Americans. A Chrysler dealer last year on average sold about 225 cars. If you were a Ford dealer, you averaged almost 700 cars per dealer. GMs Chevrolet dealerships came in under 650 cars per dealer. Would you be surprised to learn that Toyota sold more than 1600 cars per dealership last year?

Now you know why American car dealers are complaining and going out of business. In the last year GM lost 200 plus dealers while Ford lost 40, and Chrysler lost more than 110. This is happening on our home turf, folks. This is not the Japanese and the Americans slugging it out on European soil for control of European markets. This is the American consumer choosing to buy Japanese over American made products on American soil. People are voting with their feet.

Heres the next big question. If American car dealers are closing their doors at this rate, what kind of shape can the rest of them be in? Can the owners be putting big bucks into their dealerships while their friends dealerships are folding up? We think not. Will the friendly banker be willing to finance their car inventories when the bank sees other domestic dealers closing their doors? We dont see it. This means that American car dealers can only finance through the car manufacturers financing arm, and thats not good when the dealer has only one choice. We estimate that half of Fords dealers are not making a penny. We think for General Motors, it could be as high as 25% are unprofitable. Whats the customer experience going to be like in a dealer thats losing money on every car he sells? Is anybody listening in Detroit?

Every time GM loses a point of market share, they have to implement plans to dismiss 20,000 people from their jobs. We see the necessity for GM to cut another 60,000 jobs that they havent announced to establish break-even 12 to 18 months from today. With all the talk about GM in the news in the last 60 days, has anybody at GM or Ford uttered a word about their real problem, QUALITY? The American consumer does not want to buy American made cars in any quantity that would allow Detroit to make money.

We believe that GM will be unprofitable until 2008 at a minimum, and 08 can only be profitable if they maintain market share, and we see continued declining market share. The Chairman has verbalized nothing that deals with the issue of quality, and upgrading the consumers consciousness to consider GM cars when it comes to quality. Even Mercedes marvels at Japans ability to produce the quality they do for the dollar it costs. Mercedes doesnt understand how Japan does it at their price points.

We took a close look at Ford (where Quality is number 1, and Ford has a better idea), and found their restructuring plan isnt substantial enough to get the job done. They call it the Way Forward Plan. We call it the Lost in the Wind plan. They are taking total charges of $3.4 billion in 06. They expect to be profitable in 08, why, we ask? Whats going to change between now and 08? They believe they can save almost $6 billion in costs. We dont see it, and if they were able to do it, dont you think Japan would jump on the bandwagon and do whatever they have to do to drag their already low costs lower.

Did you know that when GM, or Ford produce an interesting car, Japan buys the car immediately, rips it apart, part by part in Japan, and than takes any interesting technology and applies it to their cars almost immediately. Japan can put out a car in one-third the time it takes GM, or Ford to design a car by committee. South Korea can go from design to showroom in even a shorter time span.

Fords restructuring efforts in our opinion are clearly overstating the bottom-line results. We see a headwind coming, where Ford thinks its got a tailwind at its back. Its going to get tougher for Ford, and this is being overlooked because GM and its troubles are getting the headlines. With the employees departing from both companies how do you think the guy down on the assembly line is feeling? Do you think hes a loyal, lets get it done type of individual? Do you think hes wondering if hes going to be there 2 or 3 years down the road? Will his pension benefits be safe? Will he ever get a pension? Will he even have a future at either of these two companies that were once the unquestioned leaders of American managerial know how?

Henry Ford wrote the book on manufacturing, and GMs Alfred P. Sloan wrote the book on building a company that is still studied at Harvard Business School, and MIT today. Somehow in the last 3 decades, the bean counters in Detroit forgot how to make cars. They literally forgot what business they were in. They instead thought only about the money. Labor became a cog in the wheel, not an integral meaningful partner in the process. To turn this American industry around will involve a different level of intelligence than the intelligence (used advisedly) that got them into trouble in the first place. Einstein was right.

Goodbye and good luck

Richard C. Stoyeck

Richard Stoyecks background includes being a limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs Rockefeller Capital Partners and

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Three Things Guys Love In Super Cars. Scientific Look On Men Psyche.


What Is a stereotype of a real man? Tough, bad-ass, interested in cars and opposite sex, only thing he spends his free time on is tuning his ride.

Is this truly how real man is meant to be? I dont think so, it is just like with blondes, not every girl with yellow hair is so dumb that completing any everyday action is a tough one for her.

Anyway most of guys are interested in cars, it doesnt mean that every man out there is a petrol-head. We just find ourselves attracted to mechanics and/or looks of some automobiles.

That is actually what makes us different from beautiful sex. We are taking everything logically and women are making their decision mostly based on emotions. It doesnt mean that every man is completely washed off all emotions Robocop, we simply dont allow them to take control over us in most situations.

We just know what attracts us and what dont. Yeah, it is biggest difference between us and woman, if you dont believe me just look at their shopping habits, most of the time in shop they spent trying-on things they are not going to buy later. Is it logical? No!

Ok. So we are attracted to cars but what cars we like the most? Answer is simple, ones that we cant own, the fastest, the most beautiful, the most luxurious, simply the best of all, cars that are being called super cars.

But what exactly we find so appealing in those completely impractical cars? Ive decided to pick up the gauntlet and look at his problem from psychologists view[I am not one but who cares].

1. Looks.

I think that this is the most important factor of all. I based that assumption on fact that most man are visuals[they are more attracted to looks than other qualities]. If you think that you arent, just think about last time you have seen some gorgeous girl, have you felt that worm wave of energy going through your chest? Maybe youve found yourself imaging all the things that you could do with her? If yes you are a hypocrite. Why? Cause you are feeling attraction that is based only on how she looks.

Thats why most man think that some car is great only cause of its trendy eye-catching design.

2. Dreams.

This is another important factor in my opinion, dreams are deeply in our psyche. Everyone love to dream, Why? Cause in dreams we can be anyone, we can do anything and own anything, for example a super car. I am sure that you have dreamed at least once in your life how would it be if you would have a million bucks. Yeah, million is really a big amount of money, you for sure could find this dreams so real that you have even made some kind of commitment that you will have such house, wife and car that you always wanted.

Dreams are extremely powerful, actually it is scientifically proven that our subconscious part of mind, responsible for things like breathing, processing of movements and other things we dont have direct control of, doesnt recognize the difference between reality and dreams. Thats why we can want something so badly, cause our subconscious after experiencing all the benefits of some situation[after dreaming] sends info to our conscious mind that we want it.

3. Social Status.

Another biggie when comes to people overall not only men. Social status is fundamental of human communication since beginning of our species. Social status is like rank of power, more power you have better you are ranked. Funny thing is that from some reason men tend to think that having something to show off like car, big mansion or private jet will skyrocket their ranking but it is of course wrong.

I think that it all comes from idea of picking girls on all those material stuff. The concept isnt wrong itself cause you will for sure find some chicks attracted to money but such friendship regularly wont lead to long term relationship.

My advice for you is to go out there and search for stuff about social status cause it is really fascinating thing. Actually you can notice social status in behavior of almost all animals and by having this knowledge you can actually become a leader of the group and by that the coolest guy in your environment.

OK, lets try to sum up everything that I have written in here. First, guys are thinking logically and woman act emotionally and this is why we better like mechanics than them. There are 3 main causes that make men love super cars. First is look, as every guy likes to hang his eye on some curved body, of course car body you perverts! Second we want that cars cause we are big dreamers and like to spend most of time in our work thinking about how would it be if we would have something that we dont have. Third we want to increase our Social status which is oldest law of nature and indicator of masculinity.

I hope that after reading this stuff you know why you are drooling on your keyboard seeing new shiny red Ferrari and you will be looking on all of this stuff from different angle. I tried to make this article look scientific but I dont know if I have accomplished this task, so if you have any suggestions for my further writings email me.

Joe Guarrera, one of the most successful internet marketers and car fanatic, that has spent half of his life helping others to create incredibly profitable businesses is now giving his secrets for free.

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